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No More Room in Hell – Episode 060 – Stacy Attack of the Schoolgirl zombies (2001) & Helldriver (2010)

Welcome back……….to No More Room In Hell podcast!

On this episode Mr. Venom, Mike, & Derek are with another NMRIH family member as a guest, Don Aneli from Fresh Cuts & Creature Features (as well as The Horror Countdown).  We are discussing some oddball zombie movies courtesy of Derek’s picks STACY ATTACK OF THE SCHOOLGIRL ZOMBIES & HELLDRIVER.  First we catch up on some 2024 watches not covered on Fresh Cuts as well as some other random watches we threw on.  We also get into some news regarding the never ending will it or won’t it happen for some horror tv shows as well as an overdue brief discussion on Neve Campbell returning to the Scream franchise.  All that a whole lot more on No More Room In Hell #60!

Havesome feedback on the movie, discussion, hosts, or the show overall? Drop us a message in the comments below or fire off an email to noroominhellshow@gmail.com

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